Tiny Habits by BJ Fogg – Book Review

“Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything” is a book written by BJ Fogg that provides a practical guide for creating lasting change in our lives through the development of small, easy-to-implement habits. The book is well-written, easy to understand, and provides a step-by-step approach to building new habits that stick.

  1. The importance of starting small: Fogg emphasizes the importance of starting with small, manageable changes that can be easily integrated into our daily routines.
  2. Creating a habit loop: Fogg explains how to create a habit loop by linking a new behavior to an existing habit.
  3. Celebrating small wins: Fogg stresses the importance of celebrating small wins to build momentum and maintain motivation.
  4. Keeping it simple: The book emphasizes the importance of keeping new habits simple and easy to implement.
  5. Using triggers: The author explains how to use triggers to remind yourself to perform new habits.
  6. Creating a habit plan: Fogg provides a step-by-step guide for creating a habit plan that can be tailored to individual needs.
  7. Using social support: The book highlights the importance of using social support to help build and maintain new habits.
  8. Being flexible: Fogg encourages readers to be flexible and adaptable when building new habits.
  9. The power of positive reinforcement: The author emphasizes the importance of positive reinforcement in building and maintaining new habits.

Moreover, the author discuss the behavior model framework for understanding and creating lasting change in behavior. The model is based on the idea that behavior is a function of three key elements: motivation, ability, and a trigger.

Motivation refers to the level of desire or drive to perform a behavior. Ability refers to the ease or difficulty of performing the behavior. A trigger is an event or cue that initiates the behavior.

According to the model, behavior is most likely to occur when motivation, ability, and a trigger are all present. When one or more of these elements is missing, behavior is less likely to occur.

One of the key strategies outlined in the book is to start with small, manageable changes that can be easily integrated into one’s daily routine. By starting small, the ability to perform the behavior is increased and the trigger can be linked to an existing habit, making it more likely to occur.

Overall, “Tiny Habits: The Small Changes That Change Everything” is a valuable guide for anyone looking to create lasting change in their lives. The author provides practical and actionable advice that is easy to understand and apply to real-life situations. Whether you’re looking to improve your health, career, or relationships, this book is definitely worth reading.